Disciple (Greek: mathēteuō): to teach, to make a disciple .

Our vision for 2023-25 is about three movements to know God better:

First, in 2023 we focus on BELIEVING what the Bible says about Jesus.

Then, in 2024 we will concentrate more on RECEIVING the gift of Christ’s Spirit.

Finally, in 2025 our attention will be given to CONCEDE to God’s will daily.

Step #1- God gives us faith to BELEIVE what the Bible says about Jesus, drawing us closer and closer to Him.
I.e., Prevenient Grace.

We experience our conscious mind being drawn and a new hunger for God. We begin to realize our separation from God due to our sins and the need to heal our brokenness. We respond to an inward calling to confess and repent of our sins. We begin asking to receive Christ’s promised Spirit for the forgiveness of sin.

Step #2- Jesus leads us to RECEIVE the gift of Christ's Spirit and experience His new life living in and through us.
I.e., Saving Grace

We begin to experience His cleansing, counsel, and seal of everlasting life, which we cannot earn, nor can it be taken away. We accept what Christ has done for us on the cross and receive His Holy Spirit to begin doing in us things we cannot do for ourselves. I.e., Be born again as a child of God with a personal relationship with our Creator.

Step #3- The Holy Spirit grows our trust to CONDEDE (surrender) to God’s way, forsaking our path, so we can follow God’s plans prepared in advance for us to do.
I.e., Sanctifying Grace

Growing in our obedience to Christ is a process of being filled with His Spirit to lessen the power of sin and perfect us in love.  Christian perfection does not imply we are exempt from ignorance, making mistakes, infirmities, or from temptation.  Christen perfection is about being transformed into Christ’s image through daily surrendering our will to God’s will.  As we concede, the Holy Spirit fills us with a Divine love for God, self, and neighbor which manifest in humble service of others.
There is much more to learn about these three movements to knowing God.  John Wesley referred to these progressive movements as prevenient grace, saving grace, and sanctifying grace.  Join me in praying throughout 2023-25 that God will enable us to BELIEVE what the Bible says about Jesus, to REVIEVE the gift of Christ's Spirit of grace and truth, and to humbly Concede to the Holy Spirit’s daily in loving service to others.
~ Pastor Greg

Part 1: "Believer's Baptism" (Divine mind; love of God)

This happens when signs of God's Spirit enables you to "Believe" what the Bible says about Jesus is true as you read the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John).
As you read, you may experience  a wide range of emotions. ranging from doubt and guilt to peace and relief.
If you have not been baptized, and you feel these emotions, pray about confirming your faith and "believing" what the Bible says about Jesus.
If you have been baptized, and feel these emotions, pray about confirming your faith as you read the Bible.
Verses to consider: John 3:-8, John 3:16-17, John :44, John 20:19-23, Mark 12:30-31.

Part 2: Conceder's Baptism (Divine power; love of neighbor and self)

This happens when there are signs of "Receiving" Jesus's baptism of Holy Fire. Something has changed within you, and you are experiencing more peace, gentleness, or freedom. Something may have changed in your relationship with God, and you are making more time to pray and study scripture, and you feel the assurance of divine love.
If you have not been baptized, then pray about being baptized for the first time.
If you have been been baptized, consider confirming or recommitting to your faith in God.
Verses to consider: Matthew 3:11, Luke 11:9-13, Mark 8:34-35, Acts 2:1-4.

If you wish to explore what baptism or confirmation may hold for you, please contact our church office , or speak with Pastor Greg or a church leader after our Sunday service.