LUMC Soup Kitchen
"Jesus invites you to lunch!"
Mondays and Thursdays, 12 PM to 1 PM

For over 30 years, LUMC's Soup Kitchen has provided free meals for the hungry in our community. What began as a simple meal on Thanksgiving 1989 has grown into hot, sit-down lunches for over 200 people at a time, two days a week. The home-cooked meals are lovingly prepared by volunteers from the church and the greater community, even when a serving day falls on a holiday. Donations of food, supplies, and labor help keep the meals free for our guests. (Other donations of food or clothing may be available, but are not guaranteed)
If you're hungry, lonely, or curious, come to lunch -- we'd love to meet you! If you'd like to be part of the effort (through donations or labor), contact our church office at 661-942-0419.
If you're hungry, lonely, or curious, come to lunch -- we'd love to meet you! If you'd like to be part of the effort (through donations or labor), contact our church office at 661-942-0419.